Benice is just so happy cos it's her birthday !!!!!! we'tre always very close....the best of friends
But in this picture, we look like lovers... that's what some people say....
Benice the performer... well many do not know that Benice actually has stagefright...
But she still does her very best
She's the best at acting and speaking in real life , not the stage
Like this one here...
She's acting like some pitiful person in a red basket...
eating bread with kaya
Btw, she loves kaya...
( not rich guys though )
As a cell group leader,
at the mission trip...
She is really very fun and random
in the cell group,
which really breaks the ice,
( that I make as I can be really serious and boring during Word in cg )
She gets everyone involved
is a big sister to the girls
and a great encouragement to the boys
( she calls them "my darlings" )
Like seen in this picture,
she's defintely a people person
She also aspires to be the next
" Perak Road Next Top Model" ( hahaha )
She always says that she has grown taller...
(she's really overly optimistic here)
But being mini, she's really cute...
Many say she's my younger sister...
But she's definitely photogenic
Not always though....
But she'll win an oscar for best impersonator...
or exaggerated impersonater
Here, she's impersonating someone here... ( secret )
More of the posers...
Benice and I
Benice loves dogs too...
More of the siblings
happy Birthday, Benice !!!!!
Thank you for everything !!!!