Friday, March 20, 2009

It's so funny la

Just the other day at the Tapah resthouse, something really funny happened to me..... Well, I followed Uncle Choo in his car to the Hot Springs. So, I wanted to eat something... and I saw "Daily Fresh" , something new at the r&r ( to me ). So, I saw something that looks like chocolate ice-cream... looks yummy....

then ordered it...reached into my pocket.....and then......... I realised MY MONEY IS NOT HERE !!!! It was in the car in the booth...Uncle Choo & the rest were at Dunkin Donuts... ( which is really far-on the other side of the resthouse ). HOW ??????? I ask if the order could be cancelled... He said they had already started to make it. I told the guy to wait for a while.......

I ran like nobody's business to Dunkin and told Uncle Choo....... He lend me some money.... And I ran all the way back.... I thought the guy would come and look for me.....but he didn't ( relief ! )
Then I went back... paid ( They actually froze the thing... not throw it away ). I was breathing so heavily...... at least I now had ice-cream....

I laughed to myself as I enjoyed the ice-cream... funny things do happen.... when you're away from home and when you're least expecting it.......